Hey Everyone! It’s Isa here… the fun loving, slightly crazy young girl at heart! I started my YouTube channel in April of 2019 to show people all around the world how to whip up something quick and easy in the kitchen. What does this 30 year old know about cooking you may be asking? Well let me start by mentioning the 2 words that will forever live in my heart: Yiayia Olga. She was my Greek grandmother and that’s who I spend all my summer time with when I wasn’t in school as a child. My very hard working parents would drop me off at Giovanni’s Pizza in San Francisco. That was the Business she and my Papu John would run and it was always full of fun and excitement! We would spend All day cooking up a storm whether it was folding stuffed grape leaves or making her famous cookies. The memories live on till this day and it created who I am today. Cooking and baking is my all-time favorite thing to do, especially trying new recipes! Which is part of the reason why I decided to started my YouTube channel you see.. People who know me know that I am always on the go and a tad bit intolerant when it comes to sitting still. My cooking videos on YouTube are very quick and straight to the point. If you like them great, if you don’t like the end result…. watch another. Nowadays people just don’t have the time to sit and watch cooking videos, they just want to figure out something quick to put on the table for dinner. I hope to help as many moms and dads out there and even get younger ones into the kitchen… to whip up something Quick & Easy!!


Papu John and Yiayia Olga.